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제목 [기본] Full time position in Paju/Gyeonggido 등록일 2021.11.06 11:45
글쓴이 March 2nd 조회 1155
  1. School: Reputable positoin in Paju/gyeonggido, near Seoul
  2. Salary: 2.2M-2.5M
  3. Teaching hours:  9am- 6:00pm
  4. Teaching target: Kinder and Elementary students.
  5. Pension: yes
  6. Health insurance: Yes
  7. Visa sponsor: yes.
  8. One way airfare.
  9. Housing: full furnished housing 10 minutes walking distance.
  10. Foreign teachers: 4
  11. Start date: March 2nd, if overseas, to be arrive by first week of Feb please.